The month on May (so far) has been challenging on many levels...
Level husband spent a week in Kuwait where he only called me once! I did not like this week so much. I think that if you are going to spend a week sleeping in tents with the military in the middle of a should be able to call home more than once, but that's just me.
Level 2....Clarissa has spent the past 2 months getting her song ready for mother's day sacrament meeting. She played in a string quartet "Love One Another" and played beautifully as 1 violin....the hard part is that I get
INSANELY nervous before she performs. I don't know why. She always does so well....just a mom thing I guess!?!
Level 3....Sam is preparing for his recital (cello) which is next week! Again....I get so nervous! I can't help myself.
Level 4...Rick is leaving AGAIN! He is preparing for a 2 week trip to Europe, mostly Belgium and Germany. have any of you ever spent so much time alone with 4 small children? I am in panic mode right now!
Level 5...I am getting a series of ultrasounds to figure out what the heck is wrong with me! My thyroid is not producing enough of the hormone it is suppose to produce, my iron is so low that I might need injections, and, well other things I'd rather not mention! HOLY
Level 6...Meetings for church and Clarissa's school span the entire month.
I seriously do not have a clue how this is all going to happen, but I will make it through....somehow! If you need anything from Anna, please do not ask until June! My life is a little full at the moment.